MapleStory 2 official launch is live with new job, island and events

MapleStory 2 official launch is live

It's finally here! The MapleStory 2 official launch is live, free-to-play for everyone and with it comes a new job, the Runeblade. You can also expect a new island and a few launch events for everyone's pleasure.

MapleStory already counts with 14 million players around the world and today's global release on Steam and the Nexon launcher will surely add a few more to it. Founder's Pack owners are enjoying the headstart for a few days now, and MapleStory 2 attracted many players but also gold farmers, something that Nexon is dealing with. The early Steam reviews are ‘Very Positive', something that can encourage more players to join in on the fun.

The new job or class is the Runeblade, which is versed in strong melee attacks with a two-handed blade, and elemental spells. The new region is called Karkar Island and is a lovely resort with blue skies, swimming pools, palm trees and… undead creatures, swarms of bugs and angry gaming consoles? I guess the brochure didn't get into all the details.

There is a new level cap of 60 and a diverse array of events taking place starting today and running through November 8. You can count with the Mapleopoly and Maple Spin, and from October 10 through October 21, you can be one of the lucky forty players to receive a Mint Body Pillow if you follow MapleStory 2 on Twitter or Facebook and share the launch gameplay video.

One final mention goes to the Halloween events that will run from October 18 through November 8. You can win rewards such as the Bouncy Pumpky Mount, Little Pumpky Pet, and Perched Pumpky.

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