KurtzPel character creation tutorial video shows a resourceful system

KurtzPel character creation tutorial video

In anticipation of the KurtzPel North American closed beta – invites should be going out today -, KOG has released a new video. The focus is on the character creation system and I like what I see.

The character creation tool seems capable of delivering unique, non-gender-locked characters. You are free to pick several body attributes including height, weight and even muscular structure. Will my character sport a six-pack or has a soft, clean shape? You can choose your favorite hairstyle and pick a color, and there are a few extra sliders to tamper with. Fan-favorite breast slider is included, in case you are wondering.

This KurtzPel character creation tutorial video shows both female and male avatars and while it may not be up to Black Desert Online quality – which game is, anyway? -, this is a pretty good system. I have no doubt that I will be able to create a unique character. Even if I have to make him short, fat and with pink hair.

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