KurtzPel dance emotes look cool, hopefully they are all original

kurtzpel dance emotes

A new KurtzPel video from the hands of KOG is now available and showing some of the dance emotes. You know, those silly dances that you do when you just rubbed the floor with your opponents.

It's probably a bit awkward to dance with those weapons and you're at risk of sticking something pointy in your eye, but hey, suspension of disbelief is mandatory for video games, right? Also, the worst case scenario here would be if KurtzPel – or every other game from now on, from that matter – decided to create a dance inspired by someone's performance, as Fortnite is doing. The lawsuits will keep coming for sure.

While we are still talking about KurtzPel, the recently opened Steam page is leading us to believe that this anime brawler won't be free-to-play. As soon as we get an official announcement about the business model, we'll know how to proceed for sure.

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