Genshin Impact gameplay video shows multiplayer co-op

Genshin Impact multiplayer co-op

With the first beta test wrapped up, we can only look with optimism to the future of Genshin Impact. This stunning open world sandbox RPG from the makers of Honkai Impact 3rd is making some waves.

One of the aspects that was still mysterious concerned the online mode. While you can play Genshin Impact solo, there is a multiplayer component as well – but this isn't an MMORPG, as developer miHoYo has clearly stated.

You can play alone or invite some friends to your game world, as the video below recorded by DaikenXDan shows. Apparently, the limit for co-op multiplayer in Genshin Impact is four players, but this could change before the official release.

You can see the players running through a level 24 dungeon, cooperating to battle the enemies and the end boss. However, I'm not too fond of the option to switch between characters in co-op mode as you do while playing solo – a feature borrowed from Honkai Impact 3rd. In my humble opinion, it would be preferable if each player was stuck with a single character for the duration of the dungeon.

Maybe things change in the meantime, but watch the video below to get a picture of the current state of the co-op multiplayer on Genshin Impact.

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