Sky: Children of the Light Android launch slated for the coming weeks

Sky Children of the Light Android release

With the iPhone release done and acclaimed both by critics and players alike, Thatgamecompany is now working on the anticipated Sky: Children of the Light Android launch.

A new post reveals that the team has been “working incredibly hard” to make sure that the next Sky is of the highest quality possible. With many players eagerly waiting the Android release, the studio appreciates the community patience as the global launch approaches.

The Sky Android launch is going to be phased, with the beginning being slated for the coming weeks. That means that the first players to enjoy the Sky: Children of the Light Android launch should be able to do so either by late September or early October. PC and console versions are planned for a later release.

Sky is a whimsical adventure that builds on what made Journey so special. The story playthrough should take you roughly ten hours, but if you wish to meet all spirits, children of the light, and other achievements, you can expect over 20 hours of gameplay. Furthermore, if you plan on completing all constellations, relationships, and collectibles, something that can be done with the Sky launch version along with the Adventure Season, you can expect over three months of play.

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