Warhammer Odyssey MMORPG trailer takes you for a stroll with the Slayer

Warhammer Odyssey MMORPG trailer

The Slayer doesn't look too pleased as he takes a stroll in Marienburg City. The second trailer for the upcoming Warhammer Odyssey MMORPG takes a similar approach to the first video, once again showing one of the classes walking across the Old World.

The Slayer is walking in Marienburg City, a central location in the game world. This is the place for players to meet, work, and trade with one another, as well as bartering with the local merchants.

Virtual Realms is developing this Warhammer MMORPG, and one of its promises stands out firmly from the rest – there will be no auto-play option. When the best portable MMORPGs such as Black Desert Mobile don't show guts to avoid this debatable option, the Warhammer Odyssey devs are definitely trying to break some new ground.

The official Warhammer Odyssey website is live, if you want to learn more about the game.

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