Corepunk Release Date | When is Corepunk releasing?

Corepunk Release Date

Out of nowhere, Corepunk was revealed today, on December 10, 2019. Created by a new Dutch studio, this MMORPG tries to mix several influences to result in a game that may be more than the sum of its parts. Comparisons with Diablo and League of Legends are becoming commonplace, but Corepunk is also earning comparisons to Ultima Online and Torchlight. But what is the Corepunk release date?

Corepunk Release Date | When is the Corepunk MMORPG Beta Date?

It's not usual that we get a release date with a new announcement, but developer Artificial Core decided to give players a hint on when the game will be playable. While there is no official Corepunk release date yet, we know that the open beta test is planned for Q4 2020.

This is quite a long way off, which places the Corepunk MMORPG release sometime in 2021. However, a closed beta or two will surely happen before that, probably during Q1 or Q2 2020. Since the devs are saying that they are planning “on having closed tests soon,” this sounds like a fairly reliable estimate.

There are other interesting details about Corepunk that you should know. The business model is yet to be decided, although the devs state that they are “against pay-to-win,” something that could point to Corepunk being free-to-play.

Corepunk Release Date MMORPG

Corepunk features the standard roles, along with some variations: tank, support, healer, and DD. According to the devs, the game allows for a very flexible customization system, so this should give you the freedom to create a unique character.

A day and night cycle, and weather conditions will be in the game, and you control your character with mouse for movement and keyboard for abilities. Corepunk  runs on the Unity engine and is a PC exclusive for now. Servers will be located in USA, Europe, CIS, although there are plans to expand to other regions.

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