Smilegate opens studio in Spain to develop open world console game

Smilegate opens studio Lost Ark

Smilegate has announced the opening of a new studio in Barcelona, Spain. The makers of CrossFire, Lost Ark, and the upcoming Xbox One exclusive CrossFireX want the new studio to focus on console AAA titles.

The first project will be an open world console game powered by Unreal Engine 4, with no more details being revealed yet. It's highly unlikely that this is Lost Ark console version that is known to be in development; in fact, the announcement makes no mention to Lost Ark at all, preferring to focus on the CrossFire series. There's nothing pointing to this game being an MMO either, as the job offers don't mention anything concrete about it, but it shouldn't be ruled out yet.

“As open-world games will continue to dominate the video game industry, we are well-positioned to build upon our team’s experience with talent from around the world, and are ready to create a AAA experience from our new studio in Barcelona,” said Yongil Kim, the CEO of Smilegate Barcelona. “Barcelona’s vibrant and lively youth culture set to the backdrop of gorgeous old world history is a powerful and inspiring combination. The city welcomes creativity and supports technology industries such as ours with a strong infrastructure and high quality of life.”

We'll keep a watchful eye on Smilegate Barcelona‘s first game, while waiting for the western announcement of Lost Ark.

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