Battle Breakers Fornite crossover offers you various skins

Battle Breakers Fornite crossover Ramirez

The Battle Breakers Fornite crossover that we reported on roughly a week ago, when the game was released, wasn't a coincidence. If by any chance you thought that it was, then you're probably very naive.

If you need further proof, Epic Games just delivered it with the reveal of new Fortnite skins that you can unlock in Battle Breakers, and one that you can use in Save the World. Ramirez, one of the iconic faces from Fortnite Save the World, can be unlocked in Battle Breakers if you were a Save the World founder.

In case your dream is to use Jess and Kyle in Battle Breakers, do not fret; you can get them as well. To unlock the Fortnite Save the World duo, you must complete a couple of arcade events. You have to complete both the Shoot for the High Score and the Climbing the Leaderboard quests.

But wait, there's more! You can unlock Razor, the Battle Breakers ninja, to play in Fortnite Save the World. You can do so by simply reaching account level 20 in Epic Games' newly released mobile RPG.

In case you are wondering if you can use Razor in Fortnite Battle Royale, as quite a few players seem to be asking, don't get your hopes up; this Battle Breakers Fornite crossover is currently exclusive to Save the World, although Epic surely has a few strong crossovers planned for Battle Royale as well.

Battle Breakers Fortnite Skin RazorBattle Breakers Fortnite Skin RamirezBattle Breakers Fortnite Skin Jess Kyle

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