Gigantic is hitting hard on players who quit mid-match

Gigantic penalties

Losers will be losers, right? Since the dawn of competitive online games, there were players who just couldn't handle defeat and left the match prior to its ending. The action MOBA Gigantic is one of the newest games to suffer from bailout syndrome and Motiga feels like now is the perfect time to do something about it.

This issue wasn't addressed before because the developers wanted to make sure that Gigantic was stable enough, so that there weren't any unfair penalties to players who just watched their client crash. After all, Gigantic is a new game, having released in July 2017. With the stability concerns addressed, it's time for the fun part: penalties.

Things are now getting serious with more severe penalties. Essentially, the more you quit mid-match, the harsher these penalties will be, starting lightly at a few minutes of reconnect time, but could extend to a full day in case your Match_AFK and Match_Left penalties stack up.

If you want to know all the details about these penalties, you should go here. And that probably means your one of those quitters, right? Don't be like that.

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