Gigantic’s Corruption update is live, brings new hero Oru

Gigantic's Corruption update

Gigantic's Corruption update is now live, Perfect World Entertainment and Motiga have announced. This update is the biggest one released for Gigantic since the action MOBA launched last July. The highlight of Corruption is the new hero Oru, making that two heroes released in less than a month. Considering that Motiga plans on releasing a new hero for Gigantic every six weeks, this is turning out better than expected.

Oru is a mid-range caster and is also known as The Fortune Teller. He is perfect for crowd control and loves throwing cards of different types at enemies. His release comes with the first set of skins: Mordant, Voracious, and Garrulous.

The Corruption update brings other features and improvement, including Custom Lobbies, the ability to set a Push-to-Talk key for the in-game voice chat, and a mechanic called Creature Gestation. You can read all about the update here.

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