Kritika Online is officially live, have a free Elite Player’s Pack

Kritika Online free elite pack

Kritika Online is now live and En Masse Entertainment is happy to give players a little boost to begin their adventures. If you head over to Kritika's store you'll have the usual offer of three packs, but there's one huge difference: one of these is actually free!

The Elite Player's Pack can be yours for the amazing price of zilch and includes some resurrection stones and potions, 3 days of elite status, and a Steamdrake pet that will only stick around for seven days before saying farewell. The Elite Starter Pack includes 30 days of elite and a few more trinkets for $14.99, while the Elite Costume Pack gets you all of the previous stuff along with four permanent costumes, including a very timely playboy bunny costume for your female character. This one costs $29.99.

Kritika Online just launched on Steam and Éclair, the new Psion class, is coming in October.

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