KurtzPel hasn’t released yet and is already getting a graphical upgrade

KurtzPel graphical upgrade gameplay

Well, this is unusual. KOG still hasn't released the anime brawler KurtzPel and it is already being subject to some visual upgrades.

Obviously, we know that this is a normal part of the development process, but it isn't common for studios to communicate details such as this graphic overhaul. Notwithstanding, KOG has been really generous in its communication with excited KurtzPel players, so this is a nice piece of info to have.

The visual upgrades that you can see in the video below aren't yet applied to the KurtzPel European alpha version that is running right now and ending later today, December 16. The changes aren't mind-blowing, but anything that makes such a good looking game look even better are always welcome!


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