Here is Mabinigi Heroes’ Miul introduction video and she kicks butt

Mabinigi Heroes Miul introduction video

Not long after the announcement cinematic, devCAT has revealed the first gameplay trailer showcasing the upcoming playable character Miul for Mabinogi Heroes, also known as Vindictus in the west. While this isn't a gameplay trailer per se, it is comprised of in-game footage, so you can clearly see how Miul will look and act when on the battlefield.

Miul is Arisha's younger sister and their stories are supposed to tie in nicely. She is a dual gunner who isn't afraid to use a couple of magic tricks to boost her combat skills, including some nice teleportation moves. The Korean release is coming really soon – probably before the end of December – and the western version, or Vindictus, should get Miul during 2019.

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