Nosgoth canceled: Square Enix kills Legacy of Kain online spin-off

It's a sad days for players of the Legacy of Kain multiplayer spin-off Nosgoth – Square Enix has just revealed its decision to end Nosgoth's development and take the servers offline on May 31, 2016.

Nosgoth has been around for a while, having entered open beta on January 2015, but many doubts were raised right after its reveal – many players demanded a proper sequel to the Legacy of Kain series instead of an asymmetric multiplayer online arena brawler with humans versus vampires. Nosgoth was actually a very decent game and it was only going to get better with time, but Square Enix decided to stop development because “ultimately its audience hasn’t grown enough to sustain ongoing operations.” In a similar way, Square Enix canceled Triad Wars recently, another F2P game that didn't get a decent playerbase but had potential to grow and become something very interesting.

This doesn't mean that the Legacy of Kain series is dead in the process – “Any future Legacy of Kain project will be considered independently of Nosgoth and on the merits of the proposals alone,” Square Enix said. Don't worry about Nosgoth's developer, Psyonix, as these talented lads are doing great with the successful and addicting Rocket League.

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