The Journey of the Divine update for Skyforge (sign up here) just went live today, as previously announced. This update briings Invasion Avatars, Divine Specializations, Pantheon Academies new Symbols and Rewards and more. You can watch the new trailer below and read the full patch notes here.
Here are some details on what this update brings:
– Invasion Avatars – The deadly Avatars of invading alien gods that attack during massive Invasion events and are some of the most dangerous foes in Skyforge yet.
– Divine Specializations – Powerful specializations can be accessed only by those who successfully vanquish the deadly Avatars during Invasions
– Pantheon Academies – Members of a Pantheon guild can now help train new players to Skyforge to earn gain great rewards as the player progresses, allowing mutual encouragement from both parties to unlock their godly powers
– Symbols & Rewards – Symbol navigation in the Divine Atlas has been made easier and now players can manually choose their rewards from an Adventure.
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