Bless Online western website is back, says “coming soon”

Bless Online western release

After more than a month, we're happy to report that Aeria Games' Bless Online website is back up. While this may seem like nothing to anyone who doesn't care about this MMORPG, for the rest of us it's a reassuring move and proof that Bless Online is indeed making its way to North America and Europe. As the official site says, Bless is “coming soon”, which probably should read second half of 2017, with all the combat and performance improvements in the works.

For those of you who weren't following this soap opera, it all began when the western Bless Online website went down without warning and Aeria Games didn't say a thing about it for over a week, until someone started asking questions about the possibility of Bless Online's English version being canceled. Apparently it was all due to a migration and now that the website is back up, we can sleep a bit better.

bless coming soon

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