New SoulWorker Online gameplay features Stella and many bosses

SoulWorker Online gameplay

A new SoulWorker Online gameplay video recorded by Steparu features the cute, small and deadly Stella Unibell while she's going and facing a lot of bosses. We decided to share this with you since we're kind getting a bit desperate waiting for Gameforge to say anything about the western version of SoulWorker, and specially burned after the recent events involving Aeria Games and the cancelation of Bless Online. Considering that German publisher Gameforge isn't going to E3 2017, perhaps they're saving the announcement for Gamescom 2017, which is planned for late August. However, Gameforge said last March that the “upcoming months are going to be exciting” for SoulWorker fans, which makes us wonder what they consider “upcoming months”.

According to Steparu, leveling up in SoulWorker Japan is now much easier than it was before, less a matter of grinding and repetition, and with a bigger focus on completing quests and side missions.

Enjoy the SoulWorker Online gameplay below – we've also added a couple more videos featuring Iris Yuma and Stella Unibell from April 2017, and these should be enough to show you that SoulWorker is still looking great. In the meantime, you can always play Kritika Online, another anime brawler of the same ilk that is currently in beta.

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