KurtzPel reveals its English voices in case you prefer your anime dubbed

KurtzPel English voices

Would you like some English with your anime? There you go! KOG has released a new video giving us a nice taste of the English voices for the anime brawler KurtzPel.

While the previous alpha and beta tests only featured the original Korean voice work, the Early Access version will include English voices. What do you think of these voices?

KurtzPel's Early Access still seems to be planned for Q1 2019, which means that it could start before the end of March. Early Access will be paid, and KOG is still undecided on the business model for the commercial launch. A poll on the official Discord is leaning towards the free-to-play option, but a decision is yet to be made. Why don't you go there (Community Feedback – KurtzPel's Poll) and leave your opinion? 

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