Watch KurtzPel’s first PvP tournament as you get ready for global launch

KurtzPel first PvP tournament

KurtzPel is finally getting ready for global launch, with the upcoming release of European and Asian servers on June 5, 2019. This is happening earlier than initially planned, but if you live in North America or South America you have been playing KOG's anime brawler for over a month already.

Yesterday's livestream saw the first official KurtzPel PvP tournament ever, part of the KurtzPel Fight Nights. Cosmic Arc team won, defeating #PinkGang in an exciting final battle.

Some of the battles took place in the latest PvP map, called Secret Portal Gathering. There's a lot of purple and blue on this map, which is set in a historic site of Ancient Hellisia civilization.

Watch the livestream below and get practicing as I'm suspecting that KOG may have some serious eSports ambitions for KurtzPel.

Watch KurtzPel Weekly Livestream (6 Days Until EU & Asia) from KurtzPelTV on

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