Mad World global publisher revealed to be Netmarble

Mad World global publisher

We didn't know that Jandisoft was looking for a publishing partner to help them with Mad World, but apparently they were. The Mad World global publisher was just revealed to be Netmarble, a company that is enjoying massive success with its endless selection of mobile games.

But Mad World is no mobile game… or, in fact it is, but not exclusively. This is a horror MMORPG running on HTML5, which means that you can play it on any device that comes with a browser, without the need to download a client. Mobile and PC allow for Mad World cross-play, so you can keep track of your progress no matter the device.

Mad World is the rare kind of adult MMORPG where everything is bleak and hopeless. Luckily, your character has a bit of hope and is trying to do its best in a world where evil creatures abound.

Mad World had a few tests already and is seriously considering crowdfunding, but the release seems to keep on slipping by. Maybe it will happen later this year, if Netmarble steps in and does its part as the new Mad World global publisher?

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