ArcheAge Walk is XLGames’ response to Pokemon Go

ArcheAge Walk

If you have no clue what ArcheAge Walk is about, think of it as a mobile game similar to Pokemon Go or Harry Potter Wizards Unite. Maybe you can throw Minecraft Earth in there as well, since these are all location-based mobile games.

However, ArcheAge is a odd franchise to choose for such a game, because quite frankly, I don't see how fans of the fantasy sandbox MMORPG are the likeliest to grab their phones, install ArcheAge Walk, and go out exploring. Of course, I might be wrong.

ArcheAge developer XLGAMES has a partnership with Kakao Games, where the latter is developing ArcheAge Walk via its new subsidiary Life MMO Corp. There aren't many details yet, but what we know is that the game will feature housing, combat, and vehicles.

Besides the original PC MMORPG, ArcheAge was subjected to a mobile spin-off called ArcheAge Begins. Released in 2017, the servers were closed in the following year.

ArcheAge is about to get a buy-to-play version to run alongside the free-to-play release. It will allegedly ditch the pay-to-win elements, providing a fair and neutral experience for those who are willing to pay the asking price. The ArcheAge Unchained release was delayed until October 15, from the initial release date of September 30. However it turns how to be, the ArcheAge graphical update coming with the Shadows Revealed expansion looks quite impressive, and will be available both for the F2P and B2P versions.

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