Crimson Desert

Crimson Desert game download

screensCrimson Desert download
Crimson Desert game download and release date PUBLISHER: Pearl Abyss | DEVELOPER: Pearl Abyss
PLATFORM: Download | STATUS: Upcoming Winter 2021 (PC and consoles)

Crimson Desert is the next flagship title from developer Pearl Abyss. Following on the acclaimed releases of Black Desert Online and Black Desert Mobile, this new MMORPG is once more striving for success. This time the focus is on a ruthless world where the storyline truly matters, as you guide your team of mercenaries, with Macduff as the troubled leader of the gang.

Crimson Desert Online started as a prequel to Black Desert, but it became its own IP as development progressed. The goal was to tell the story of that game's past, but the new vision carved its own path and you won't see anything from that MMORPG apart from a few homages.

The focus on single-player is what makes Crimson Desert stand out from the competition. This is an aspect that is often lacking in MMORPGs and this game will try to fill that gap, offering a fully-realized story and characters with rich backgrounds, motivations, and decisions that are going to affect their destinies. However, this remains as one fully-fledged MMORPG, with a living world ripe for exploring and a vast amount of content that will provide many days of enjoyment.

Running on Pearl Abyss' new proprietary engine, the Crimson Desert MMO is bound to impress. This is the same engine that powers the studio's other upcoming games, family-friendly creature collecting MMO DokeV, and MMO shooter Plan 8, clearly showing its versatility.

The target platforms are PC and consoles, with cross-platform in the plans. However, it remains to be seen if this game will launch on PS4 and Xbox One, or if it is releasing on the next generation of consoles, PS5 and Xbox.

The Crimson Desert release date is set for Winter 2021 on PC and consoles, with a beta surely coming sometime earlier.

Crimson Desert gameplay trailer

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