When Will Valorant Servers Be Back Up?

Valorant Servers Back Up hotfix patch

As you may already be aware, the Valorant servers are down for some time now. This is happening on the North American servers today, April 30, as Riot Games is deploying a hotfix patch that addresses a few exploits, fixes some bugs, and reverts the headshot sound. With many players gearing up for the Valorant competitive release date, the desire to practice and learn everything about the upcoming shooter is understandable. One of the burning questions is when will Valorant servers be back up after this hotfix?

Valorant Servers Back Up Times | April 30 Hotfix North America

Valorant Servers Back Up

The maintenance started early in the morning, at 4:30AM PT. Riot Games was planning to have Valorant up and running again on April 30 by 10AM PT. However, not everything went according to plan, as a new tweet revealed that the North American Valorant servers are expected to be available again closer to 12PM PT.

Valorant players in Europe are getting the same hotfix patch later. You should expect it to hit on May 1, 2020 at 3:30AM CEST, and maintenance should be over around 9:30AM CEST. Funnily enough, Riot initially mentioned April 31 as the date for the European hotfix, but if you check your calendar, there is no such day. In a subsequent tweet, the team fixed their error by saying the following: “We meant May 1 for EU. The letters are close together.”

But what's so important about this Valorant hotfix? At face value, there is nothing that is remotely remarkable; however, it's the little details that are getting most players excited. Riot has been teasing the introduction of the Valorant ranked mode for a while, and in one of these tweets they added this: “If all goes well after this… maybe ranked.”

That is a surefire guarantee that the Valorant ranked mode isn't too far off. If we had to make a wild guess, we would say that the competitive mode is coming in about a couple of weeks, but this is always conditioned by any issues that may come up in Valorant and need all hands on deck. Whatever happens, ranked is surely coming soon, as the Summer 2020 release date is drawing near.

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