KurtzPel Dual Soul Karma is now live with three new bosses and arenas

KurtzPel Dual Soul Karma

The new Dual Soul Karma is now live on KurtzPel. This is the fifth Karma coming to this anime brawler, turning a difficult choice into an even more complicated one. However, I'm willing to bet that many players will fall for the slicing and dicing charm of these two swords.

The Dual Soul Karma is an extremely fast weapon and it's highly likely that KurtzPel will see a deluge of Kirito lookalikes, since Sword Art Online fans are already enjoying the possibilities.

But this update isn't just about the Dual Soul, as we've mentioned before. It also brings the new NPC Kien, three new PvE arenas with three new and gruesome bosses. Apparently the new arenas are set inside the Bell's Sanctum, and the name of the new PvP deathmatch arena is Regenie Monastery. If I'm getting my facts mixed up, someone please correct me.

KurtzPel is currently in Early Access on Steam and is steadily seeing its rating increase, as KOG adds content and fixes the game based on player feedback. The initial backlash from the two locked Karmas resulted in a swift change of heart, unlocking the Blazing Fist and Diabolic Witch Karmas.

Watch the KurtzPel Dual Soul Karma announcement trailer below, while bobbing your head to the awesome music.

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