Tears of Themis Chapter 4 Trial Evidence Guide | Les Tournesols

Tears of Themis Chapter 4 Trial Evidence Guide Les Tournesols

Art, forgery, depression, and death. Such are the pillars of Tears of Themis' fourth chapter, Les Tournesols. For those who don't know what that is, the name refers to sunflowers, and you're going to inspect quite a few paintings by Vincent van Gogh featuring said flowers. Your detective work will be crucial to discover the true fate of Van Kerrel, but Marius von Hagen will be there to give you a hand… or two, if you're in luck. Read our Tears of Themis Chapter 4 trial evidence guide to get to the bottom of this mystery.

Tears of Themis Chapter 4 Trial Evidence Guide | People of Stellis versus Lawrence Myers

Tears of Themis Chapter 4 Trial Evidence Guide Les Tournesols

Don't Miss: Tears of Themis Trials of Themis Quiz Answers Guide

If you haven't reached the trial yet and you want help to find connections, our Tears of Themis Chapter 4 Analysis Guide | Les Tournesols Connections solutions will ease your path to justice.

The Les Tournesols trial will happen at level 04-17, and it is introduced as People of Stellis versus Lawrence Myers for the case of Van Kerrel's assisted suicide. Before that, you're going to find out more about Johnny Bailey, the caretaker of Van Kerrel, and investigate the mansion where the murder happened. Lawrence Myers is the prime suspect, since his tie was found at the house and it seems to have been used for the murder. However, it is known that Van Kerrel was suffering from depression and he had suicidal instincts, and so the plot thickens.

Digging deeper into this mystery, you end up exposing the true culprit by presenting solid evidence during the trial, refuting the claims from the Prosecutor.

Evidence 1:

Mr. Bailey was in Stellis on the night of the crime, and the evidence is…

  • HSR Travel History

Evidence 2:

Mr. Bailey and Mr. Gomez are identical twins, and the evidence is…

  • Paternity Test Report

Evidence 3:

Mr. Bailey injured himself from strangling Mr. Kerrel, and the evidence is…

  • Hotel Medical Spray Record

Evidence 4:

After returning to Stellis, Mr. Bailey made his way to Mr. Kerrel's study, and the evidence is…

  • Dried Petals

Evidence 5:

How do you prove that Van willingly let Johnny kill him due to his own guilt?

  • Van Kerrel's Incident Report

Feeling trapped, Johnny enters into a debate with you and ends up losing. He falls to the ground, becoming the prime suspect, and guilt eats him up as he realizes he may have murdered an innocent man. Read more English Tears of Themis guides below.

More Tears of Themis Trial Guides:

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