Gran Saga weapon system introduced in stunning trailer

Gran Saga weapon system

South Korean developer NPixel has released a new Gran Saga trailer detailing the gran weapon system that you can find in this upcoming anime MMORPG. The best thing about this trailer? It comes with English subtitles, so you don't have to look at the pretty moving pictures and try to guess what it is all about. The Gran Saga weapon system is one of the highlights of the game, hopefully providing this game with the depth that many other MMOs are missing nowadays.

Announced as a cross-platform anime MMORPG crafted using Unreal Engine 4 and with high production values, Gran Saga's Gran Weapon system is still a bit of a mystery. However, the newest trailer gives some clues about what it is likely to be. From what we could gather, you have these allies that you can summon, each one representing a specific weapon. You get to use this weapon from a vast arsenal, ranging from swords to hammers, orbs, turrets, spears, staffs, blades, chains, and more.

Gran Saga weapon system

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Gran Saga has character classes, which are apparently gender-locked for storytelling purposes. You have the familiar roles such as tank, sorcerer, swordsman, and so on.  It's unclear if the weapons are locked to a class, something that seems likely, but it should provide you with enough diversity though.

One of the biggest questions is how you earn these weapons. Once more, the trailer seems to give the answer to this – a gacha system. Given the diversity of characters/gran weapons, we're inclined to believe that this is one of the areas where Gran Saga will be monetized, especially considering that it is in development for PC and mobile devices.

Gachas in games have this addicting nature and can be found in most mobile games. If you can control your spending and still thank the devs with your wallet for their work in what we hope is a stunning anime MMORPG, we're not against it.

What is the Gran Saga release date, you may ask? The original plan is to release the game in Korea during 2020, with the subsequent goal of taking it to other regions. Let's hope they don't pull a Lost Ark on us and keep western players waiting for years on end.

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