Rogue Company Error Code 1000,024,506 | Is There a Fix?

Rogue Company Error Code 1000024506

Some error codes are easier to digest than others, as you surely know by now. From server maintenance to random crashes, it's always good to know what is going on with Rogue Company during this Early Access stage. However, Hi-Rez Studios is yet to create a database where you can check each and every code, and put your mind at ease. Until then, we'll try to do the heavy lifting for you, including digging into the dreaded Rogue Company error code 1000024506. What is this all about, and should you be worried?

What is the Rogue Company Error Code 1000024506?

Rogue Company Error Code 1000024506

The Rogue Company error code 1000,024,506 means that you were up to no good and that your account is banned. That's right, this error code isn't for the faint of heart. You won't be able to log in anymore, even if you purchased your way into Early Access.

It was Rogue Company's Community Manager RadarX who revealed the true nature of this error via Twitter. He said the following: “That error is typically when an account is banned. Usually this is for cheating but they should contact our Support team for more information.”

So, there may be a glimpse of hope if error code 1,000,024,506 happens to come your way. Mistakes happen, and you should get in touch with Rogue Company's support team to see if something weird happened with your account. Head over to the game's official website and submit a support ticket carefully explaining your actions and what you think might have led to the current situation.

RadarX also added that the messaging about this issue should be clearer and there should be no error code in such a specific situation. Future patches are going to fix this, but until then you know what to expect: the 1,000,024,506 code is likely to be the most dreaded Rogue Company error yet.

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