How to Know if You Got Into the Valorant Beta

How to Know if You Got Into the Valorant Beta

Are you still looking for those valuable Valorant beta keys? Hoping that the gods of Twitch drop RNG finally notice you? Well, it's not an easy task, but more and more players are joining Riot's upcoming shooter. In case you are wondering how to enable Twitch drops, there doesn't seem to be a secret to the way that the closed beta keys are distributed, so you have to persevere and watch Valorant streams until you finally get lucky. This guide will tell you how to know if you got into the Valorant beta, so that you save yourself from the frustration of checking your account regularly and bump into that dreadful “Not Yet” message over and over again.

How to Know if You Got a Valorant Twitch Drop

How to Know if You Got Into the Valorant Beta

How do you know if you got a Valorant key? There are three surefire ways to know if you scored Valorant access, all of them beyond a shadow of doubt. One of them is when you receive an email from Riot Games, specifically from the address “noreply at mail dot accounts dot riotgames dot com”, with the subject “The VALORANT Closed Beta is now yours.” Words that sound like sweet music to many a player's ears.

How to Know if You Got Into the Valorant Beta

Other way to confirm that you were chosen is by checking your notifications on Twitch. You know, the little bell icon on the top right corner. Open it and if you have a notification saying “You just received the VALORANT drop for watching Riot Games play VALORANT,” then congratulations are in order, your time has come.

How to Know if You Got Into the Valorant Beta

Last but not least, go to the Valorant website, sign in and check your account status. Do you see those huge “You're In” words? This is the moment that you have been waiting for, so hit that download button to get things rolling. The executable file is small, weighing 64.9 MB, but the current Valorant install size is 7.9 GB, a very reasonable number for a popular first-person shooter.

After the installation, you'll need to reboot your computer to install Riot's new anti-cheat system Vanguard. This is the only way to get the Riot Vanguard Anti Cheat Download for Valorant, so there's no use in looking elsewhere.

This is how to know if you got into the Valorant beta. Those three alerts should be available to you when you were given the carte blanche, and finally you can try for yourself one of the most hyped shooters of the latest years. Remember that there is no actual key to insert anywhere, it's your account that is cleared for access, so avoid at all costs falling for schemes where you purchase a Valorant account – Riot Games will easily detect that and is going to ban you.

Do let us know if you think that the hype is justified, or everyone's just making a huge fuss over nothing particularly interesting.

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