Do You Need Twitch Prime to Get a Valorant Key?

Do You Need Twitch Prime to Get a Valorant Key

If you have been watching Valorant livestreams on Twitch and still didn't get that precious drop, you may have started wondering if you are doing it the right way. Riot is naturally coy about the conditions for the drops to happen, as to avoid exploits and leaving most players without a beta key. But there are other questions lurking around since the start of the beta, back in April 7. For example, do you need Twitch Prime to get a Valorant key or not?

Is Twitch Prime Needed to Get Valorant Key Drop?

Do You Need Twitch Prime to Get a Valorant Key

The answer to that question is no, you don't need Twitch Prime in order to get a Valorant beta key. A standard Twitch account is enough to have a chance at getting Valorant access, and nothing seems to point to Twitch Prime users having any sort of advantage over regular Twitch users.

With that out of the way, the trick here is perseverance. You don't have to look for specific Valorant streams, because Riot has enabled drops for every Valorant streamer, big or small. They do need to enable drops manually, so make sure that there are notices saying that the drops are activated.

Just choose your favorite Valorant streamer – hey, everyone seems to have a few of them nowadays, right? – and stick around for a while, watching and interacting with the stream. If you're lucky, the Valorant drop will happen even if you are offline, which means that you could wake up to an email from Riot Games, saying that you made it into the beta.

How do you know if you got into the Valorant beta? There are three ways that you can confirm that, so if this has happened to you, congratulations. Download and install the 7.9 GB, and we'll see you online, Agent.

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