Mir 4 The First Sage Guide | Nefariox Horn Mystery Quest Solution

Mir 4 Nefariox Horn The First Sage Guide Mystery Quest

Mir 4 (play free here) follows the template of many mobile MMORPGs, with a focus on auto-questing and auto-combat. Usually you can grind the first days using these features, but later on you must manually take over combat if you want to stand a chance against the AI and other players. As for quests, Mir 4 includes an interesting hidden adventures mode where you must use your wits to complete these secret quests. Autoplay will only take you so far in these Mystery quests and it will be up to you to decipher the clues and finish the quests. One of those quests is called The First Sage and our Mir 4 Nefariox Horn The First Sage guide will show you how to beat it.

Mir 4 Nefariox Horn The First Sage Mystery Quest Guide

Mir 4 The First Sage Mystery Quest guide

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Before you indulge in the rewarding activity that is solving the Mir 4 Mystery quests, you must learn your way around the in-game map. You access the map not by clicking on the mini-map, but by clicking on the name of your current region on the top right corner. This way you have access to the global map, region map, and area map, allowing you to move through locations either by running the distance (on foot or mount) or by spending a fast travel ticket.

Mir 4 Mystery missions will take you through many places, so you should get used to traveling a lot. These adventures can be fairly short or rather long, but in the end it's a nice diversion from the usual auto-play mechanics, as you must use your brain and skills to decipher the clue and find the whereabouts of your objective.

And now, it's time for the Mir 4 Nefariox Horn The First Sage guide. We'll go clue by clue until the final solution for this mystery quest. You start the quest by going to Mysteries and selecting the adventure that you want to solve.

Clue 1:

Find the treasure goblin in the Blight Bug Cave.

As the clue suggests, you must travel to the Blight Bug Cave, which is in the Bicheon Area, Gingko Valley. There you must turn right, make the jump and talk to the Treasure Goblin. 

Clue 2:

I should go ask the people in Gingko Valley about this goblin.

When in Gingko Valley, move to the bottom area of the map, where a purple scroll marks the spot. There you must talk to the girl named Eung Chaea and you'll unlock the next clue.

Clue 3:

I should go ask people in the area

Once again, open the map in the same region and move to the purple marker in the upper area. Talk to Jong Lichen to progress, completing his request mission isn't mandatory for The First Sage mystery quest.

Clue 4:

For now, I should defeat the Viperbiests Crew nearby

Your next task is to kill 25 Viperbiest Serpents near your current location. 

Clue 5:

Great, this should be enough. Let's go talk to Jong Lichen

When the task is completed, return to Jong Lichen and talk to him again.

Clue 6:

The Treasure Goblin… I hope he's still in Blight Bug Cave. Let's see what kind of story he weaves

Return to the Blight Bug Cave and to the location where you first found the Treasure Goblin.

Clue 7:

He's gone toward Gingko Valley. I could catch up if I hurry

Exit the cave and a short cutscene triggers. Follow the Treasure Goblin to the sparkling green marker and a short and very easy fight ensues.

Clue 8:

I'm gonna ask the people in Gingko Valley about the Treasure Goblin's whereabouts

After defeating the Treasure Goblin, open the map and go to the top right area, where the purple mystery marker is – don't forget to tap on the road, otherwise your character won't move.

Now you must climb the mountain using the double jump ability to reach the Treasure Goblin. You should be able to do this by finding a spot a little bit below the purple marker, and in a few seconds you will reach the Goblin. Talk to him and The First Sage mystery quest ends successfully.

We hope this Mir 4 Nefariox Horn The First Sage guide helped you through this short secret adventure. We'll have more Mir 4 mystery quest guides for you to use soon.

More Mir 4 Guides:

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