Dragon Raja Beyond the Heart Anecdote Guide | Full Silver Tale Walkthrough

Dragon Raja Beyond the Heart Anecdote Guide

Every fan of anime expos will surely feel at home with the latest Dragon Raja tale. Luminous is definitely very excited for it, and doesn't mind if he fails to deliver his homework in time. The Beyond the Heart silver anecdote was released as part of the Dragon Raja X Evangelion crossover event, which runs from April 15 until May 12, 2021. This is one of the first – if not the first – limited-time anecdote to be released for the acclaimed MMORPG, which means that you must complete it during the duration of the collaboration, otherwise you won't be able to finish it. A word of warning though: this quest takes place across several real-life days, so get started as soon as you can so that you can claim the rewards. Follow our Dragon Raja Beyond the Heart Anecdote guide below to discover all the steps that you must do.

Dragon Raja Beyond the Heart Anecdote Guide and Tips

Dragon Raja Beyond the Heart Anecdote Guide

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Beyond the Heart – At Cassell College, it seems someone failed to finish their homework because of the anime expo (EVA Xcross)

Meet the lazy student (Luminous) near the terrace with the cafe (233,393). Talk to him to watch him beg about delaying his work for after the anime expo, then talk to Zero who is nearby. Back to the overexcited Luminous, who is broke but is still able to go check the Tokyo Anime Expo.

It's time to head off to Tokyo, so find the [O] Leave for Tokyo mission in your quest list. When you arrive, you are stopped by a traffic jam, so take the time to talk to Luminous about it – he is right by your side (372,463). You agree that you should get a room (no, not in that sense) to spend the night and wait for things to improve. Luckily, there's a hotel right across the road, so go there (417,444).

Inside the room, Luminous is already comfortable, so talk to him a few times, even if you have to wait a few seconds while the next dialogue triggers. Luminous suddenly falls asleep like a log, and so should you, so go to bed (16,8). However, you can't sleep (you toss and turn on the bed), so it's best if you get up and go listen to the rain by tapping the mission [O] Listen to the rain on the balcony (12,20).

Still no luck, still thinking about Zero a.k.a. Renata. Perhaps a hot bath will help? Go to the hot tub and it looks like sleep is finally setting in. Exit the tub and check the [O] Tap to complete: rest halfway, then take a break because you must wait for the next real-life day (or the daily reset, to be more specific) before returning to the Beyond the Heart tale.

After the daily reset and no matter your in-game location (although it's preferable if you have remained inside the hotel room), tap [O] Tap to complete: rest halfway. Check the note on the floor left by Luminous (12,15), where he says he didn't want to wake us up and arranges a meeting at the Figurine Shop near the anime expo. Then, on the same spot, eat the breakfast that Luminous prepared for us.

Tap [O] Leave the hotel for the figurine shop. You travel to Chizuru, where a crowd is waiting to enter the store. Talk to Luminous (170,211) and he'll enter the shop, so you may as well chat around to the other visitors outside to learn more about the anime. You can tap each individual quest or just finish the subplot by tapping [O] Tap to complete: Ask what the cartoon is about.

Dragon Raja Beyond the Heart Tale Guide Luminous

When you're done, Luminous exits the store. Ask him how his shopping spree went and then say “Tell him what you know about this animation.” Talk to Luminous once more about the Tangerine Daifuku he promised Zero, and he says that tomorrow he'll go to Ehime Prefecture to buy it. So, you must wait for another daily reset before continuing the anecdote.

On the next day, tap [O] Tap to complete: Rest halfway to continue. You'll be transported to Ehime Prefecture, to the place where Luminous is standing next to Anson Boot, specialty merchant. Talk to her to find out that the drink is out of stock, then ask Luminous what you should do. You give Zero a call, but it's Finger that picks up, saying that she is busy. Talk to Luminous again, and you decide to split up and look around for clues where to get the famed Tangerine Daifuku.

Ask the chatting couple nearby (252,254) and they will direct you to an old man, the Wagashi Master. Ask Makoto Nakajima for his whereabouts (249,221), and in a nice twist, he is the master. However, he doesn't want to make you the drink unless the cherry tree on the rooftop of his house has blossomed. Prove it to him by grabbing a petal and handing it over.

A few seconds later, the master returns with the Tangerine Daifuku. Chat with Luminous to celebrate a job well done and agree to return to the college… tomorrow. Once again, wait for the daily reset.

The next day, continue the Beyond the Heart tale by tapping [O] Tap to complete: Rest halfway. Your first step in the new day is to ask Finger where is Zero (126,413) at Cassell College. Zero is in the library, so get inside and talk to her (44,49) until she leaves. Lay the truth on Luminous and you'll be transported to Black Swan Bay, where you must touch Zero's back.

Dragon Raja Beyond the Heart Anecdote Guide Zero

You return to the library and keep chatting with Luminous. Zero returns for a quick chat and then you must talk to Luminous to agree on watching the cartoon tomorrow. That's right, it's time for another daily reset. The next day, tap [O] Tap to complete: Rest halfway to resume the anecdote.

Aren't you excited? It's the day of the anime expo! Meet Zero and Luminous in the screening room by tapping the corresponding mission from your quest list. Try to turn on the television to find out that it is broken, then talk to Luminous. Listen to Zero talk about her dream and then touch her back again and again.

You're back on the screening room and Zero wants to talk again. Luminous also wants to speak and reveals the end of the cartoon. Back to Zero and you three will make the most wonderful promise ever. The tale ends on this positive note and you earn five anecdote points, x2 EVA coupon, x1 Lv.10 Spirit Gem, and Diary – Beyond the Heart.

Beyond the Heart – Whether it's here or the world beyond, our hearts are always linked together.

We hope this Dragon Raja Beyond the Heart anecdote guide helped you out. You can find more guides below.

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